미소를뿌리는감자의 코딩

[백준 2024/09/11] 3190번 뱀 본문

코딩 테스트/백준

[백준 2024/09/11] 3190번 뱀

미뿌감 2024. 9. 11. 19:51

1. 문제



2. 접근 방법

이번 문제는 tail이 따라가야 할 방향과 회전 방향을 어떻게 처리하느냐가 중요한 것 같다.

이들을 queue로 구현하여, 구현 가능하도록 하였다.


방향 회전은 아래와 같이 구성하였다.


위와 같이 방향을 처리해 주었다.


head가 새로운 곳으로 이동하게 되면, 이를 tail_location 이라는 deque 에 뒤로 넣어주었다.

또한 deque.popleft()를 통해서 tail이 따라가야할 위치를 알아내 주었다.


이 외, 다른 부분은 직관적으로 구현하였다.


3. 코드

from collections import deque

head_location = [0, 0]
tail_location = deque()
tail_location.append([0, 0])
n = 0
snake_location = []
apples = []
queue_direction = deque([[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0]])

def print_squares(n, square):
    for i in range(n):

def place_apples(apple_num):
    global apples, n
    apples = [[0] * n for _ in range(n)]
    for _ in range(apple_num):
        i, j = map(int, input().split())
        apples[i - 1][j - 1] = 1

    return apples

def mark_directions(n):
    directions = []
    for _ in range(n):
        s, d = input().split()
        directions.append([int(s), d])

    return directions

def go_straight(seconds, direction):
    global head_location, tail_location, snake_location, apples, n
    passed_seconds = 0
    for i in range(seconds):

        head_location = [head_location[0] + direction[0], head_location[1] + direction[1]]
        passed_seconds += 1

        if not (0 <= head_location[0] < n and 0 <= head_location[1] < n):
            return False, passed_seconds
        if snake_location[head_location[0]][head_location[1]] == 1:
            return False, passed_seconds

        snake_location[head_location[0]][head_location[1]] = 1
        if not apples[head_location[0]][head_location[1]]:
            x, y = tail_location.popleft()
            snake_location[x][y] = 0

            apples[head_location[0]][head_location[1]] = 0

    return True, seconds

def change_direction(lr):
    global queue_direction

    if lr == 'D':
        return queue_direction[0]
    return queue_direction[0]

def duration_game(directions):
    global head_location, tail_location, snake_location, apples, n
    seconds = 0
    direction = [0, 1]

    while directions:
        next_s, next_d = directions.pop(0)

        succeeded, passed_seconds = go_straight(next_s - seconds, direction)

        if succeeded:
            seconds += passed_seconds
            direction = change_direction(next_d)
            seconds += passed_seconds
            return seconds

    succeeded, passed_seconds = go_straight(n+1, direction)

    return seconds + passed_seconds

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = int(input())
    snake_location = [[0] * n for _ in range(n)]
    snake_location[0][0] = 1
    apples = place_apples(int(input()))
    directions = mark_directions(int(input()))



아래 주석 처리된 부분을 풀고 보면, 

뱀의 이동을 잘 파악할 수 있다.

from collections import deque

head_location = [0, 0]
tail_location = deque()
tail_location.append([0, 0])
n = 0
snake_location = []
apples = []
queue_direction = deque([[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0]])

def print_squares(n, square):
    for i in range(n):

def place_apples(apple_num):
    global apples, n
    apples = [[0] * n for _ in range(n)]
    for _ in range(apple_num):
        i, j = map(int, input().split())
        apples[i - 1][j - 1] = 1

    return apples

def mark_directions(n):
    directions = []
    for _ in range(n):
        s, d = input().split()
        directions.append([int(s), d])

    return directions

def go_straight(seconds, direction):
    global head_location, tail_location, snake_location, apples, n
    passed_seconds = 0

    for i in range(seconds):

        head_location = [head_location[0] + direction[0], head_location[1] + direction[1]]
        passed_seconds += 1

        if not (0 <= head_location[0] < n and 0 <= head_location[1] < n):
            return False, passed_seconds
        if snake_location[head_location[0]][head_location[1]] == 1:
            return False, passed_seconds

        snake_location[head_location[0]][head_location[1]] = 1
        if not apples[head_location[0]][head_location[1]]:
            x, y = tail_location.popleft()
            snake_location[x][y] = 0

            apples[head_location[0]][head_location[1]] = 0

        #print_squares(n, snake_location)

        #print_squares(n, apples)




    return True, seconds

def change_direction(lr):
    global queue_direction

    if lr == 'D':
        return queue_direction[0]
    return queue_direction[0]

def duration_game(directions):
    global head_location, tail_location, snake_location, apples, n
    seconds = 0
    direction = [0, 1]

    while directions:
        #print("directions: ", directions)
        next_s, next_d = directions.pop(0)
        #print("next_s:", next_s)
        #print("next_d:", next_d)

        succeeded, passed_seconds = go_straight(next_s - seconds, direction)

        #print("succeeded:", succeeded)
        #print("passed_seconds:", passed_seconds)

        if succeeded:
            seconds += passed_seconds
            direction = change_direction(next_d)
            seconds += passed_seconds
            return seconds

    succeeded, passed_seconds = go_straight(n+1, direction)

    return seconds + passed_seconds

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = int(input())
    snake_location = [[0] * n for _ in range(n)]
    snake_location[0][0] = 1
    apples = place_apples(int(input()))
    directions = mark_directions(int(input()))